This is my 9 yr old daughter Megan Sikes. This is her solo I am a good girl. She has worked really hard all year on improving her technique. She truly is an amazing kid. This year has been incredible year for Megan. In November she auditioned for Abby Lee Miller and made it pretty far in the auditions. Abby gave her some very positive and good advice. She told her she was not right for the audition today but might be right for it another time and to keep working on her technique. Megan took this to heart and stretches and works on her technique every day. Megan suffers from type 1 diabetes but does not let that hold her back. This year she has done great and has accomplished a lot. She has won her very first title of Miss petite platinum with a first place overall. All her competitions she has scored the highest placement all platinums, lightning gold and in the top 5 overall including 2 first places. I couldn't be prouder! She is proof that hard work really pays off.
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